Learning Field

The latest medical information on Allergy

We offer you the latest medical information on Allergy from some of the most reliable sources including the Japanese Society of Allergology, the Japanese Society of Pediatric Allergy and Clinical Immunology, and other medical sites which specialize in Allergy.  The information in our Home Page will be frequently updated, and members will receive the information through e-mail. (or by facsimile for those who do not have access to the internet.)

Learn about the latest treatment methods

We organize study groups so that parents can learn about some of the latest medical information.  If the number of parents participating grows to a considerable size, a specialist will be invited to give a lecture on the topic of interest.

Workshops for Teenagers

Some parents may experience difficulty with their teenage children and feel that things were much easier when they were younger.  Children of different age groups need to be treated and cared for in ways that are consistent with their developmental stages.  With the help of specialists and experienced Moms, we offer workshops for parents to learn how to deal with their children.

Lectures on Allergy

We inform the members about the lectures and study groups organized by other patient support groups.  We also inform the members about allergy-related announcements made by the government, district and newspapers.

We welcome volunteers who can contribute by gathering related topics from newspapers, journals, local papers, district announcements and the internet and sending them to our office.  All this can be done at home.

Clinical Trials
We wish to provide information about the medical institution handling the latest medication if you feel that the present treatment is not effective enough to control the symptoms.  Should you sign up for a clinical trial?  Do you regret your decision to join one?  We will help you with some of the questions you may have.  Always remember that you can quit any time you wish to. 

At the same time, we hope you will keep in mind that new medication will never exist without basic research and clinical trials.